Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) Grant Program

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    Funder Type

    Federal Government

    IT Classification

    B - Readily funds technology as part of an award


    Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)


    The Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) grant program makes federal funds available to states, U.S. territories, federally recognized Tribal governments, and local governments to reduce or eliminate the risk of repetitive flood damage to buildings and structures insured under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), and within NFIP-participating communities. It does so with a recognition of the growing flood hazards associated with climate change, and of the need for flood hazard risk mitigation activities that promote climate adaptation, equity, and resilience with respect to flooding. These include both acute extreme weather events and chronic stressors which have been observed and are expected to increase in intensity and frequency in the future.

    The purpose of the FMA program is to reduce or eliminate the flood risk of repetitive flood damage to structures and buildings insured by the NFIP, and to enhance community flood resilience within NFIP-participating communities.

    FEMA will distribute the available funding as follows:

    • Capability and Capacity Building: FEMA will select up to $60 million of Capability and Capacity Building (C&CB) to develop future Localized Flood Risk Reduction Projects and/or Individual Flood Mitigation Projects that will subsequently reduce flood claims against the NFIP.
    • Localized Flood Risk Reduction Project: FEMA will select up to $420 million of Localized Flood Risk Reduction Projects that address community flood risk for the purpose of reducing NFIP flood claim payments.
    • Individual Flood Mitigation Project: FEMA will select at least $120 million of projects that mitigate the risk of flooding to individual NFIP insured structures.

    Allowable costs include:

    • Project design (advance assistance only)
    • Planning costs
    • Training related costs
    • Domestic travel costs
    • Construction and renovation costs
    • Equipment costs

    Unallowable costs are exercise-related costs and operational overtime costs


    History of Funding

    In FY 2022, FEMA received 149 sub-applications totaling over $642.5 million. A list of those sub-recipients can be viewed at: https://www.fema.gov/grants/mitigation/flood-mitigation-assistance/after-you-apply/fy22-status

    In FY 2023, FEMA received 494 sub-applications totaling over $2.35 billion. A list of those sub-recipients can be viewed at:


    Additional Information

    A Severe Repetitive Loss (SRL) property is a structure that:

    • Is covered under a contract for flood insurance made available under the NFIP; and
    • Has incurred flood-related damage
      • i. For which four or more separate claims payments (includes building and contents) have been made under flood insurance coverage with the amount of each such claim exceeding $5,000, and with the cumulative amount of such claims payments exceeding $20,000, or
      • For which at least two separate claims payments (includes only building) have been made under such coverage, with the cumulative amount of such claims exceeding the market value of the insured structure.

    A Repetitive Loss (RL) property is a structure covered by a contract for flood insurance made available under the NFIP that:

    • Has incurred flood-related damage on two occasions, in which the cost of the repair, on the average, equaled or exceeded 25 percent of the market value of the structure at the time of each such flood event; and
    • At the time of the second incidence of flood-related damage, the contract for flood insurance contains Increased Cost of Compliance coverage.

    For insular areas, including American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, FEMA automatically waives the non-Federal cost share when the non-Federal cost share for the entire grant is under $200,000. If the non-Federal cost share for the entire grant is $200,000 or greater, FEMA may waive all or part of the non-federal cost share at the request of the recipient.


    FEMA Call Center

    FEMA Call Center
    500 C Street SW
    Washington, DC 20472
    (866) 927-5646

  • Eligibility Details

    Eligible applicants are States, the District of Columbia, Federally-recognized Native American Tribal governments, American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Local governments are considered sub-applicants and must apply to their state/territory.

    Deadline Details

    State Administering Agencies were to submit applications to FEMA by April 18, 2025. A similar deadline is anticipated annually. 

    Applicants who experience system-related issues will be addressed until 3:00 PM ET on Wednesday, April 16, 2025. 

    Please contact your State Hazard Mitigation Officer, federally-recognized tribal government official and/or a local government official to obtain detailed information on the FMA application process in your area.

    Award Details

    Up to $600,000,000 is available in FY 2024 for an anticipated 40 awards, 725 sub awards. Cost sharing/matching of 25% the total project is required. FEMA may contribute up to 100% federal cost share for severe repetitive loss (SRL) properties. FEMA may contribute up to 90% federal cost share for repetitive loss (RL) properties.

    Projects under the Advance Assistance will last for 36 months, while projects under the Community Flood Mitigation will last for 48 months.

    The federal funding activity caps for FMA Capability and Capacity Building (C&CB) activities per subapplication are:

    • $100,000 for Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plans per Applicant with maximums of:
      • $50,000 for state multi-hazard mitigation planning
      • $25,000 for local multi-hazard mitigation planning
    • $50,000 for Technical Assistance to states
    • $900,000 for Project Scoping
    • $300,000 for Additional C&CB Activities

    Related Webcasts Use the links below to view the recorded playback of these webcasts

    • Funding to Enhance Response, Investigation, and Prosecution of Domestic Violence - Sponsored by Panasonic - Playback Available
    • Justice Assistance Grants: Re-thinking the Program You Know So Well - Sponsored by Panasonic - Playback Available
    • Making the Most of the 2014 Assistance to Firefighters Grants – Sponsored by Panasonic - Playback Available


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